HS Code 85044010 STATIC CONVERTERS ELECTRIC INVERTER Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

8-Digit HSCODE

India imported worth US 214.2 Million under HS Code 85044010 with total quantity of 1635305 nos. China is the largest supplier of Products accounting for import worth US $ 55.4 Million followed by Germany and Finland which exported worth US $ 30.9 Million and US $ 27.9 Million under HS Code 85044010.

Exports from India in the 2015, were US $ 121.3 Million under HS code 85044010. United States Of America is the largest buyer of Products accounting for worth US $ 28.5 Million followed by France and Spain which imported worth US $ 18.4 Million and US $ 11.3 Million under HS Code 85044010.

Also, In Dec-2015, the export value of goods under HS Code 85044010 was US$ 15.4 Million as compare to Dec-2014 which was US$ 17.4 Million, which is a trade of -11% valuing US$ -2017365.0.


HS Code 85044010 INDIA Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data INDIA
  • Dec 2015 = 5,052 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 55,983 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 50,967 Shipments
Export Data INDIA
  • Dec 2015 = 2,048 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 7,933 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 4,349 Shipments
Importer Data INDIA
  • Total importers = 1,350
Exporters Data INDIA
  • Total exporters = 442

HS Code 85044010 GERMANY Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data GERMANY
  • Dec 2015 = 2 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 34 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 29 Shipments
Export Data GERMANY
  • Dec 2015 = 1,406 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 5,421 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 4,352 Shipments
Importer Data GERMANY
  • Total importers = 270
Exporters Data GERMANY
  • Total exporters = 14

HS Code 85044010 NIGERIA Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data NIGERIA
  • Dec 2015 = 20 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 845 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 734 Shipments
Export Data NIGERIA
  • Dec 2015 = 0 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 0 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 1 Shipments
Importer Data NIGERIA
  • Total importers = 0
Exporters Data NIGERIA
  • Total exporters = 42

HS Code 85044010 SINGAPORE Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

  • Dec 2015 = 58 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 653 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 421 Shipments
  • Dec 2015 = 1,738 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 5,870 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 5,610 Shipments
Importer Data SINGAPORE
  • Total importers = 148
Exporters Data SINGAPORE
  • Total exporters = 19

HS Code 85044010 DENMARK Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data DENMARK
  • Dec 2015 = 0 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 10 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 22 Shipments
Export Data DENMARK
  • Dec 2015 = 1,219 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 4,920 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 4,169 Shipments
Importer Data DENMARK
  • Total importers = 22
Exporters Data DENMARK
  • Total exporters = 3