Eritrea importer's import shipment from India with product and prices

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  • Data post 2004 will be based on Customs Notification no 128/2004
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Major Eritrea importers importing from India

Importers in Eritrea’s Import Market have been playing a key role in the Eritrea’s import business from India.
In Jan 2015, the total number of importers in Eritrea from India were 77 decrease of -37.903 percent from Jan 2014 when they were about 124 in number. Total Imports to Eritrea from India were valued at $ 6.2 Million combined,decrease of -52.725 percent from the previous year.
The maximum number of importers of Eritrea preferred to import goods that lied in the value band $ Below 1 Million, there were around 91% importers of Eritrea that controlled the import market from India in this price band.
Whereas, another 100% importers of Eritrea preferred to import goods amounting to values that lied in the value band $ 1-5 Million

Eritrea importers importing from India by products-Dec-2015

How many exporters and importers in Eritrea work with India?

Exporters (15)

9% of Business

Importers (161)

91% of Business

Eritrea exporters importers trade with India value bands (%)




Eritrea importer's imports with India - data sample

Date HS Code Product Imported Port of Origin Country of Destination Port of Destination Quantity Unit
31-12-2004 30049089 MEDICINES:HEMOMIN CAPS.30'S (THERAPEUTIC HAEMATINIC CAPS)SION SR A-4 12 Bombay Air Eritrea Asmara 1760.0 BOX
31-12-2004 30042019 MEDICINES TRIMIN INJECTION 2ML 3S (VITAM INS B1-B6-B-12 INJECTION)SION SR NO:A269 Bombay Air Eritrea Asmara 4400.0 BOX
31-12-2004 30049089 MEDICINES:MAXIPLEX TABS.30'S (B COMPLEX WITH VITAMIN.C TABS.)SION SR NO -412 Bombay Air Eritrea Asmara 3300.0 BOX
31-12-2004 30049089 MEDICINES ABACT 500MG TABS 100'S (CIPROFLOXACIN TABS.)SION SR A-412 Bombay Air Eritrea Asmara 1089.0 BOX
31-12-2004 30049089 MEDICINES:CANDISTATAIN VAG.TABS 14'S (NYSTATIN VAG.TABLETS)SION SR A-412 Bombay Air Eritrea Asmara 1100.0 BOX

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Total Latest Eritrea Importers Data = 77


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