HS Code 51121190 OTHER WOVEN FABRICS OF COMBED WOOL OF WEIGHT NOT EXCEEDING 200G/M2, 85% WOOL Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

8-Digit HSCODE

India imported worth US 5.6 Million under HS Code 51121190 with total quantity of 437041 sqf. Italy is the largest supplier of Products accounting for import worth US $ 3.4 Million followed by Turkey and United Kingdom which exported worth US $ 839.3 Thousand and US $ 463.2 Thousand under HS Code 51121190.

Exports from India in the 2015, were US $ 589.3 Thousand under HS code 51121190. United Arab Emirates is the largest buyer of Products accounting for worth US $ 219.2 Thousand followed by Saudi Arabia and United States Of America which imported worth US $ 101.1 Thousand and US $ 86.5 Thousand under HS Code 51121190.

Also, In Dec-2015, the export value of goods under HS Code 51121190 was US$ 443.0 Thousand as compare to Dec-2014 which was US$ 654.3 Thousand, which is a trade of -32% valuing US$ -211339.0.


HS Code 51121190 INDIA Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data INDIA
  • Dec 2015 = 257 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 3,695 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 2,566 Shipments
Export Data INDIA
  • Dec 2015 = 17 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 82 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 96 Shipments
Importer Data INDIA
  • Total importers = 27
Exporters Data INDIA
  • Total exporters = 20

HS Code 51121190 ITALY Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data ITALY
  • Dec 2015 = 0 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 4 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 23 Shipments
Export Data ITALY
  • Dec 2015 = 698 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 3,009 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 2,127 Shipments
Importer Data ITALY
  • Total importers = 17
Exporters Data ITALY
  • Total exporters = 1

Relevant Products of HS Code 51121190