HS Code 40082120 PLATES , SHEETS AND STRIP FOR RESOLING OR REPAIRING RETREADING RUBBER TYPRES Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

8-Digit HSCODE

India imported worth US 1.6 Thousand under HS Code 40082120 with total quantity of 600 fts. United States Of America is the largest supplier of Products accounting for import worth US $ 1.6 Thousand followed by Brazil which exported worth US $ 21.0

Exports from India in the 2015, were US $ 10.6 Million under HS code 40082120. Kenya is the largest buyer of Products accounting for worth US $ 2.0 Million followed by United Arab Emirates and United States Of America which imported worth US $ 1.3 Million and US $ 1.1 Million under HS Code 40082120.

Also, In Dec-2015, the export value of goods under HS Code 40082120 was US$ 21.0 as compare to Dec-2014 which was US$ 0.0, which is a trade of 0% valuing US$ 21.0.


HS Code 40082120 INDIA Exports, Imports, Importers & Exporters Data

Import Data INDIA
  • Dec 2015 = 3 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 4 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 39 Shipments
Export Data INDIA
  • Dec 2015 = 412 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2015 = 1,397 Shipments
  • Jan to Dec 2014 = 1,320 Shipments
Importer Data INDIA
  • Total importers = 2
Exporters Data INDIA
  • Total exporters = 13

Relevant Products of HS Code 40082120